2013年12月25日 星期三

"Her", the closest yet the farthest

Loneliness is falling with withered chords to where the society up beyond recovery. People got distracted from real conversations with others face to face, people got isolated.

The impacts on people overly dependent on technology have been told for several years, doesn't everyone love fast, convenient and organize system as an assistant in our lives? Story starts at the new era of the modern voice technology, unlike the "everyone is checking their phone" scene we are familiar with our lives, everyone speaks coldly only due to control their devices.

Loneliness seems to be the first theme Spike Jonze, the director and the writer, chooses to layer. In the city Theodore Twombly (starred by Joaquin Phoenix) belongs to, people's failure to express feelings makes a big contrast with his job of writing passionate personal letters. This loveless man has been heartbroken after he got divorced until he developed a platonic relationship with a computer operating system, Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), her curious, sentimental, and humane personality has lighten up Theodore with glee and views of the whole new world. 

By and by Samantha was no longer a product for Theodore, things got strange between them. Although Samantha is just an advanced version of Siri, she is smart enough to be a good girlfriend and a soul mate. The problem is, she can never become a "human being". She is programmed to date with thousands other people at the same time that you may not know. Once Samantha became a fantasy to Theodore, just like a great creature fulfills mankind`s greediness at all times and to pull us out from the deep hole of the loneliness. However, Theodore made the same mistakes to Samantha as to what he did to his ex-wife before. Life is like a mouse running in circles if you don't turn your steering wheel in the right directions.

Not sure if Jonze's purpose in the movie is to confuse the audience, just like Theodore was confusing the "Her" in his life. Jonze puts a lot of first person point of view vision which is good for building up the atmosphere, on the another hand, there is a risk of challenging audience's patience. He might be too focused on the negative side of people using the smart operation system, nevertheless, it helps to stick out the interesting plot how Theodore would deal with a fall in love operating system. 

Indeed, a cultural movie requires audience's extreme imagination and patience, technology and human is a never ending topic, "Her" provides space for people to imagine what it could be like and to see it in a dream state.
When we rather swipe our phone to see "friend's" news feed than have a conversation with each other, who got ourselves isolated? In the night when my boyfriend and I got home, we were still discussing the context of the movie on the bed, his leg hair were scratching me as usual, it was then when I told him "It feels so good to touching you and be touched."

Running time: 126 minutes; Rated: R

Written by Shita Lam   
Wednesday, 25 December 2013 00:18

2013年10月3日 星期四

Joseph Gordon-Levitt puts up the ingenuity “Don Jon”


Joseph Gordon-Levitt, no longer a strange name to us since he has achieved a sparkle in our eyes for starring Arthur, Leonardo DiCaprio’s assistance in “Inception”. Three years later, He has featured in a number of Hollywood movies as well such as “50/50”, “The Dark Knight Rises”, “Premium Rush” and “Looper”, this glamorous man decides to give people a “Joseph’s brand” movie by writing, directing, and starring an original, offbeat but touching romantic comedy, “Don Jon.”

If you are familiar with the legends of Don Juan, which also used synonymously for womanizer, there is no surprise why Jon Martello (starred Joseph Gordon-Levitt) gets the name Don Jon from his friends. His orderliness, besides repeating every ingredient he cares about in life, “his body, ride, family, boys, and church”, his addiction to porn has reached such magnitude that it can be properly seemed compulsive. It made him hard to evaluate the satisfaction between real sex life and stimulation from porn even after he met the perfect girl, Barbara (starred Scarlett Johansson).

It is always a smart choice to bring out issues in a simple story. Basically, this can easily be a boring one telling us how couple broke up because of the boy’s secret habit, and yet Joseph did a remarkable job of putting spotlights back on the issues: Real sex is nothing like porn? Jon said yes. Girls, calm down, your boyfriend will never admit it. This is where the movie started to spice up with plenty of humor and affection, telling us the difference between men and women in watching those adult movies, and also the “thing” goes above sex.
In addition to gut-busting laugh moments, Don Jon is likely to give people a lesson about love. A simple and basic truth that finding a person attractive is not the reason you fall in love, it is the “thing” in which two people build up in a relationship. When Jon’s sister said, “She is just that kind of girl wants you to do whatever she tells you, she doesn’t like you”, not only it has broken people’s greeds, but also wiped their blindness at the same time.

In reality, compare with the plot, audience are more interested in the cast all the time. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson fall in love in Don Jon? These are two names that can be enticing most people to watch the movie. There is never lack of Joseph’s fans, besides he is absolutely handsome, he is active in supporting all the creative spirit. In these years, Joseph’s online collaborative production company HitRECord has been encouraging talented artists all over the world to share the great works including short films, live performance, music, animation, literature, photography, graphic art and etc. On the network, his efforts not only help spreading creativity but also his own ideals for the movie and teaching him what he needed to know to make Don Jon. Probably inspired him to figure out which type of girl can sparkle with the characters.

Scarlett Johansson, the accredited “criminally sexy” actress has changed to a hot but sensitive girlfriend which is quite a big difference from the role she used to get in the past. In this movie, she put in an effort to act malicious and spiteful manner to this character by chewing gum with an overbearing attitude. Although she talks in a very rude and an annoying way, it is not uncommon to see this kind of relationship around us; guys fall for her body but lose their dignity, they hate it but they can’t help to love it. Here is the question, how much would you sacrifice for it?

Running time: 90 minutes; Rated R

Written by Shita Lam   
Thursday, 03 October 2013 11:02

2013年8月27日 星期二

You’re Next to flight for your live

For years of experiences in my disappointment of horror movies, questions like “how would this be ended?” or “this doesn’t make any sense” have always come up to my mind during the 90 minutes which I supposed to be scared, apparently for most of the time, I don’t.

Adam Wingard, director of “You’re Next” (2013) probably has learnt from other’s failure in dealing home-invasion story. Adam believes in a surprising horror movie which should not treat people as an idiot, to compare with people seeking how characters survive in this type of scary movie, Adam didn’t waste people’s time by watching boring and illogical scenes. Indeed, audience would not only be satisfied by outstanding jump scare timing, but the story line which keep them stick to their seats.

In the very beginning, screenwriter Simon Barrett has already successfully terrified the audience with the fast pace action which two victims were violently killed by masked murderers. Meanwhile, Crispian (starred by A. J. Bowen) was heading to family reunion vacation with his girlfriend, Erin (starred by Sharni Vinson), in the shadow of unknown murderers, this wealthy family have unexpected became the next victims like an innocent beast in a cage, either escape the tragedy by will power or begging for a chance to survive.
In the following hour, Simon intends not to give audience a break, they can only watch the family got killed inhumanly one by one without any merit. And question arose who these talented killers were. Were they just killing for fun? What did they do with the neighbor as well?

Puddles of blood is not the only thing which can attract audience’s attention, but their eyes just can`t stay away from Sharni Vinson, the best known Australian actress in 2010`s “Step Up 3D”. She didn`t required to be that typical girl who only knows how to scream and run away from the horrific scene.  Sharni’s performance as a dancer in “Step Up 3D” has impressed Adam and Simon in which inspired them to turn her into an agile, clever and precise character who needed abundant body movements against the killers.

“You’re Next” might not has an Oscar winning story, Adam and Simon did a great job in building the alarmed and panicky atmosphere, good background music, and talented in using rhythm. Whoever has watched this not only can be stunned by its scary factors, but also the smart ideas of mixing comedy and black humor in a horror film.  Surprises will make your thinking completely out of control. Scary, funny, and criminal, this is what your relaxing movie night is all about.

Running time: 96 minutes; Rated R

Written by Shita Lam   
Tuesday, 27 August 2013 13:52

2013年7月9日 星期二

The Butt : #1 高處看Frappuccino

夏天,為Starbucks帶來數以千計的Frappuccino. “Thank you for choosing us” said no barista ever Frappe,是可享用而不能無間斷製作之;是適合day off時喝的甘醇;也是on duty時聞Frap色變的惡夢。

很多人總把Starbucks幻想得很中產,把一個拿著Starbucks冰水的黃毛頭也看成是時尚的事。以為背景播著 John Mayer 的歌,坐在窗邊看小說是一群像Taylor Swift的少艾?還是偶然進來一位女仕,揭開手提電腦,點了一杯drip coffee待上一整天就是Katy BerrySorry,更多的是沒梳洗的Nicki Minaj,帶著一群像Rebecca Black青少年,吵吵鬧鬧的一併要了十杯飲品,Caramel Frappe Layer,一層沙冰一層焦糖漿;Mocha FrappeDecaf且用脫脂奶,朱古力漿要先繞了杯子幾周,whipped cream上加一圈焦糖漿;再要兩杯冰水,一杯冰要比水多,另一杯水要比冰多。離開之前留意到有新產品,於是嚷著要嘗嘗,數十杯Sample一下子被那一家十口蒸發掉。

尤其當食物卷*可在華州Frappe/ Ice coffee,太多「拿著Food Stamp當令箭」的人就開始肆意折騰baristaNo offense。因為你總是毫不費力就看得出誰是那部份人,從她們囂張跋扈的不客氣,從他們佈滿毒品的腦筋想出來的不邏輯,從他們過得了今天就多一天的不快樂,從她們給過你的 hard time,從他們想盡方法投訴咖啡如何不好喝,務求拿一張送一杯Free drink的優惠卷…在他們面前,每一個barista都是生來服侍諸君,正如美國政府奉旨養著他們一樣。


此時,一位女仕大嚷:「給我一杯Coconut Frappe」,這裡只是一個一百呎不足而嵌進Safeway Starbucks 小部門,我輕聲的回答:「這是季節性的飲品,我們現在沒有了。」



Bullshit! You just don`t want to make me the drink I want today!」她再次提高嗓子,雙手神經的震動令她花了好長時間才能把EBT*收好。

「態度是所有」當我跟Tara說起連請我倒一杯水的 Homeless也比某些拿著雞毛當令箭的他們來得禮貌,她是這樣回應我的。

最初我認同的是態度影響生活,生活造就人生。但後來想一想,無論是Homeless、拿Food Stamp的人、或是你價值有十萬年薪,其實也只是一個社會身份,看一個人,大慨不靠看他被分門到那個類別。

而從交談再到咖啡準備妥當,再到奉上他們手裡時這短短兩分鐘,經濟狀況如何,受過多少教育,認為自己高人一等的,或是一個普通人,他們選擇什麼的態度,態度決定了他們是誰。讓人看在眼內的是你選擇裝腔作勢還是願意說一句簡單的“Thankyou” 而不是一張Credt card或  EBT card的分別。


*食物卷(Food Stamp) :美國援助計劃每月均為低收入的個人和家庭提供補貼,獲得補貼的人可在接受的商店使用這些食物券

*EBT卡:Electronic Benefit TransferEBT電子福利轉賑。美國與英國用於發放社會福利的一種電子財務系,食物券福利受益人可以使用EBT卡在支持該系统的零售商處進行消費。

2013年5月1日 星期三









半年前已經認為不能再貪 Insurance 而繼續做 Stupid Safeway Starbucks,結果Insurance cover的 health care一次都未用得著,工卻一直做下去;看過有願意用三萬美金買一輛二手車的富二代,碰過問我為什麼不以車代步的問題,看過十年車齡的 Honda,四千五還是覺得負擔不起;根據表哥的理論,只要每天喝小一杯咖啡,或者小一次花天酒地,半輛車已經理我不遠;最終,還是paycheck最重要。

有一個三角型我常常提醒自己,除了工作,就是自己喜歡做的事。早陣子比較空閒時尚有每個月投稿給西城時報,當時它二話不說把我兩個在寫的 Project :《買樓記》及《方糖男女》都開一個專欄,就這樣小試牛刀登了數月。後來,加班的加班,同事被解僱找了個頂替上不了一星期說壓力太大就從此消失,從此每星期三十小時的工作,加上三堂課,寫東西的心情拖了又拖,最後自己喜歡的事就得放在最後。

因為,另一方面學業又不能擱著不管。喔學業,這是有生以來感到課堂是有趣的日子。Education 不等於 Schooling;Schooling只是一個每星期五天,每天八堂課的模式,而Education 卻使你為了課上一曉不通的事而興奮,會讓你等著被下一個章節繫醒愚鈍的自己。尤其當你保持 gpa4.0的時候 ,一步都不想鬆懈,精神不斷崩緊但又感覺活著。


突然腦袋浮起第一次看見西雅圖的日落,它問我:When was the last time you did something for the first time?我說:在這裡,每天都是第一次。


過了很多節日,有打仗般的煙花看,有像Warzone 的 Blue Angles,有CarmelApple 吃的 Halloween,有那麼多以來跟姨媽一家的特別日子;






一年過去了,說話難聽的略過就好,別人說你不是對得起自己就是了,《買樓記》《方糖男女》告一段落,開始另一個新 Project,最後生日快樂,多謝給予我很多的每一位。


2013年4月15日 星期一

“Grey Gardens”: The love cage

“Grey Gardens”, once performed as Off-Broadway in 2006, has earned five Lucille Lortel Award nominations, twelve Drama Desk Award nominations, and ten Tony Awards nominations in 2007. Six years later, Kurt Beattie, the director, chose to bring back the crazy-funny-unforgettable mother-daughter story on stage again.

Perhaps it is Seattle’s most talented performers that made Beattie believed that he could get beyond the previous version that is remarkably successful. Or he could also be motivated by the intention to dig a deeper issue from the book by Doug Wright that the others have always ignored.

From a true story of a mother and daughter who both named Edith Beale based on the 1975 documentary film by Albert and David Maysles, the story describes the downfall of “the girl who has everything” from a wealthy family to how it transformed to a deprived lifestyle living in a crumbling house with some cracked dreams, thirty cats, and one visitor.

Whether you have heard the story of the Beales or not, Wright was able to inspire the readers by revitalize every character’s specific personality in his genuine writing. The story emphasizes the struggle between love and dream, which are not unfamiliar to us. Together with the rich historical background, the musical moves everyone simply because it can be easily related to everyone’s life.

The musical opens with a prologue set in 1973 that tells the story backward. Then, it quickly moves to Act One Little Edie’s (Jessica Skerritt) is ready for her engagement party in 1941. She is a daughter of Edith and grew up as a “celebrity child” because of her mother’s social network. Her beauty, privileged background, and remarkable talent in singing brought her to Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. (Matt Owen), son of a prominent businessman. Just when everything seems to be going so well, all of sudden, her engagement got cancelled on the same day, and she tried to escape from her family to chase her dream.

Inevitably, it takes plenty of time to describe the family background in Act One, especially how Edith ruined her daughter’s marriage which have affected Little Edie’s whole life and the process of relationship development with her father, her current lover and basically everyone she knew. The act focuses on why Little Edie just can’t seem to walk out from her mother’s shadow, like Little Edie said to Edith “I am just another you,” and it has made a disposition for Act Two.

Act Two opens in 1973, 32 years later after Little Edie failed to leave and went back to Grey Garden where she and Edith both live together again in this crumbling house. Yes, she was able to keep performing in New York but at the same time she had to go back home because her mother was bedridden and could no longer afford grocery money.

From the costumes, the interior and the relationship between Little Edie and Edith or the atmosphere, you can tell there is a big difference from the life Little Edie lived before. She is no longer as affectionate to her mother as before, at least she thinks so. She takes care of Edith like a nurse with the attitude of an employee in front of her boss. Yet, She does not get much appreciation even though she gave up her dream for Edith.

This act portrays the kind of love that can never be earned back and has a deeper perspective between love and dream. She had a dream, yes. A question instantly comes up to my mind: family or dream? Indeed, “one can only find love in an imperfect world.”

Time changes, environment changes and people changes. Patti Cohenour (Edith in Act One, Little Edie in Act two) did an incredible performance by acting an overly demand of limelight mother and a daughter with losing hope from two generations. Undoubtedly, all casts did a great job in solo and symbolic parts too, especially rising star Jessica Skerritt, her “Barbie” figure and her beautiful voice made a deep first impression for the audience.

If Act One represents the lighter side of love that we all agree it is fabulous, Act Two is the darker part that keeps you from walking out of the cave where love is hidden. Love can be as blurry as walking alone in a heavy rainy night. Yet, love isn’t unseen, it’s just not clear enough like seeing things at during a bright sunny day sometimes.
In collaboration between the 5th Avenue Theatre and ACT – A Contemporary Theatre, Grey Gardens has extended its show through Jun. 2. 

Written by Shita Lam   
Monday, 15 April 2013 22:26

2013年1月31日 星期四
















2013年1月7日 星期一

















