2013年10月3日 星期四

Joseph Gordon-Levitt puts up the ingenuity “Don Jon”


Joseph Gordon-Levitt, no longer a strange name to us since he has achieved a sparkle in our eyes for starring Arthur, Leonardo DiCaprio’s assistance in “Inception”. Three years later, He has featured in a number of Hollywood movies as well such as “50/50”, “The Dark Knight Rises”, “Premium Rush” and “Looper”, this glamorous man decides to give people a “Joseph’s brand” movie by writing, directing, and starring an original, offbeat but touching romantic comedy, “Don Jon.”

If you are familiar with the legends of Don Juan, which also used synonymously for womanizer, there is no surprise why Jon Martello (starred Joseph Gordon-Levitt) gets the name Don Jon from his friends. His orderliness, besides repeating every ingredient he cares about in life, “his body, ride, family, boys, and church”, his addiction to porn has reached such magnitude that it can be properly seemed compulsive. It made him hard to evaluate the satisfaction between real sex life and stimulation from porn even after he met the perfect girl, Barbara (starred Scarlett Johansson).

It is always a smart choice to bring out issues in a simple story. Basically, this can easily be a boring one telling us how couple broke up because of the boy’s secret habit, and yet Joseph did a remarkable job of putting spotlights back on the issues: Real sex is nothing like porn? Jon said yes. Girls, calm down, your boyfriend will never admit it. This is where the movie started to spice up with plenty of humor and affection, telling us the difference between men and women in watching those adult movies, and also the “thing” goes above sex.
In addition to gut-busting laugh moments, Don Jon is likely to give people a lesson about love. A simple and basic truth that finding a person attractive is not the reason you fall in love, it is the “thing” in which two people build up in a relationship. When Jon’s sister said, “She is just that kind of girl wants you to do whatever she tells you, she doesn’t like you”, not only it has broken people’s greeds, but also wiped their blindness at the same time.

In reality, compare with the plot, audience are more interested in the cast all the time. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson fall in love in Don Jon? These are two names that can be enticing most people to watch the movie. There is never lack of Joseph’s fans, besides he is absolutely handsome, he is active in supporting all the creative spirit. In these years, Joseph’s online collaborative production company HitRECord has been encouraging talented artists all over the world to share the great works including short films, live performance, music, animation, literature, photography, graphic art and etc. On the network, his efforts not only help spreading creativity but also his own ideals for the movie and teaching him what he needed to know to make Don Jon. Probably inspired him to figure out which type of girl can sparkle with the characters.

Scarlett Johansson, the accredited “criminally sexy” actress has changed to a hot but sensitive girlfriend which is quite a big difference from the role she used to get in the past. In this movie, she put in an effort to act malicious and spiteful manner to this character by chewing gum with an overbearing attitude. Although she talks in a very rude and an annoying way, it is not uncommon to see this kind of relationship around us; guys fall for her body but lose their dignity, they hate it but they can’t help to love it. Here is the question, how much would you sacrifice for it?

Running time: 90 minutes; Rated R

Written by Shita Lam   
Thursday, 03 October 2013 11:02

